The following are excerpts from "The Benefits of Essential Oils and How to Use Them", by Bevonne Birch Crookston, Medicine Woman.
"Natural plant medicines have been used throughout history. They deserve serious study; for their potential as a healing therapy is enormous. Unfortunately, the public today (in the U.S.) is still largely unfamiliar with how to use plant medicines. The Native Americans have been using Plant Copal medicines for thousands of years.
Natural plant essential oils are comparatively safe, inexpensive, practical to use, quick acting, and effective. Their use to combat infections is adequately documented in medical and scientific literature. There is now sufficient clinical experience to show how plants can be effective for a wide range of health problems. Unfortunately, much of the relevant research and medical literature on this topic is available only in other countries.
As you probably have already come to understand, the alternative health industry is rampant with hype and inferior products. Many of the world's experts are actively engaged in the sham of essential oils testing, certifications, adulteration and misinformation. It can be a daunting task to locate high quality and truly pure therapeutic oils.
The following information will give you a better understanding about how to choose a supplier and understand the quality differences in the essential oils marketplace.
Essential oils are another healing modality that have been known for thousands of years for their ability to benefit the body and support health. There is evidence to support the fact that essential oils fight microbes, fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and inflammation to mention a few of their benefits.
The major benefits of using oils are their ability to deliver nutrients to our nutritionally depleted cells. The oils act as the delivery system to send the nutrients directly into the cell and through the compromised cell wall, which has had the pH altered due to chemical toxins in the body. The oils assist our immune system to fight off diseases. allowing our body to rebuild and regain its healthy condition. It is important to remember that when all the cells in your body are healthy, then you will be healthy.
Essential oils are the end result of plant metabolism, the biological activity of plants. They are synthesized by the plant's chemistry and circulate through the stems, leaves, flowers and roots. They contain the elements that make each plant unique... the scent and the intelligence of the plant.
Essential oils are 'essential' for a plant's survival. Oils are a key component of the immune system of plants.
Thousands of tons of essential oils are used each year by the flavor and fragrance industries. They are inferior in quality to the essential oils used for therapeutic purposes. Because of the limited amount of plants grown in the world each year, many commercial growers will use various methods to make growing more profitable for them. They will use chemicals for growing the plants and extreme heat, pressure, or chemical solvents to squeeze more liquid from the plants during distillation. These processes not only cut production time and reduce costs, but they also greatly compromise the quality being produced.
These practices result in oils with very little (if any) life force left in them. Many times, the very small trace constituents that are lost are the ones most important for healing. The oil may still have a flavor or fragrance to satisfy the perfume and food industry, but they are not the quality essential oils necessary for healing. In fact, this lower standard is very acceptable for flavoring and fragrance. Since the demand for 'therapeutic grade' essential oils comprises less than 5% of the market, it is the suppliers that buy the 'food and perfume grade' essential oils and sell them as "therapeutic" grade who are committing fraud.
Because healing oils are expensive to produce, fraud is rampant in the essential oil industry. At the present time there are no well-regulated labeling laws in the U.S. Because of this, essential oils that say "100%" can meant as little as 10% of the pure oil with the rest being colorless, odorless chemical. This is considered acceptable in the retail trade.
Note: Although several popular companies in the U.S. promote drinking essential oils... " Essential oils do NOT need to be taken internally for good results. In one test a Japanese researcher found that 'smelling' the essential oils was more effective than digesting them. If you do like to use some oils internally, always dilute them with an oil-soluble liquid like honey or olive oil.
Due to the fact that adulteration is a huge problem in the essential oils market, it is important to have a supplier that has integrity. When the oil's county of origin is listed on the label, it is another indication it probably hasn't been diluted by the supplier.
To learn more facts relating to Essential Oils, information that is important for you to be aware of; simply click on each "Subject matter" under the "Essential Oils" tab on the top of this page. In addition, you may also click on the book... The Benefits of Essential Oils and How to Use Them on this page. This book holds a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that can and will benefit you and your loved ones!
Thank you.